I love it and I'll download now, the only issue i have with the map is the staircase, it would be better if you just made it a slant instead of a...
That is just disgusting and is not funny in the slightest way, I'm thinking you're a 12 year old kid who thinks it's funny to talk about sex...
Reminds me of Construct for some strange reason. I like it but it is cluttered up there and slows down the FPS for me a bit :\ I love it though...
Can you see the swastika from one of the screen shots? Overall nice looking map and forging is great, keep forging.
Love it. Instant download, thank you. The map played great and the little (and big) aesthetic touches make the map look great and unique in...
I gotta go with Jellofish777 up thar, The map looks much to open, but who knows if it is because we don't have a description... I have to point...
Okay, this map was fun in Halo 3 because it was never done before. Now you remade it in Halo: Reach and it's just boring, the forging is half...
Before I dl, I would like to see more pictures and maybe a little better of an explanation. Edit: Now that I see how the map looks I will...
I'm not completely sure what I just saw in that video, There was a bunch of pictures with blurry affects, and a few scenes of people walking with...
I love the map, it's a great idea and the kill balls add a whole different way to play. My only concern [DUN DUN DUUUUNNN] is it is not...
First time I have seen a Firefight gametype on FH, probably because I play Reach all day and barely go on my laptop anymore. Just queued it for...
This map looks great for slayer, but more game types would be greatly appreciated. Everything looks great but some type of colour scheme would...
This map is amazing, I love the aesthetic ceiling/ wall, and I like how you made the trench, I don't know why but it looks really neat to me. I...
You need pictures, if you don't have an nobody will even give a thought to download it. If you want to know how to embed pictures click here -->...
This map is amazing, I instantly downloaded it. I can't believe you finished a map this well made already, and the spawns in the same place.......
Name it: "The shore of great lengths" Just jokes guys. Waterfront is a firefight map so that name would not be to great of an idea. I would...
I'm sorry but really? You say it's a fun map meant for 2-8 people, then don't add pictures or a download link? That makes no sense, this website...
Go with clearwater if you don't find anything better. It's a great idea and I can't believe it's not been posted yet, I would also love to play...
I've seen this map in Halo 3 and it worked great, so I think it will work great in Reach to, I would like to know where you are going to place the...
... Not much you can say about that...