No, why?
This is a pretty big step down from BTB maps my good friend... It looks nice from the pictures but seems small even for 6 people, maybe you could...
I like this a lot, it's nostalgic, yet original and new. I also love how you changed the bases placement so it's not too much like Beaver Creek....
I loved this map in Halo 3 and it looks like I'll love it in Reach. The aesthetics are amazing and the map itself is great. The only problem I had...
Hey I tried to download your map but when I clicked the link it took me to a page that said: "no file found" (I used both links). For me to...
The mongooses/ mongeese don't explode because there are two one way shield doors placed above the ground so they land softly. If you look at the...
This map is amazing. I love how it's made and the destructible bridge is really cool. I find it very interesting how it leads to the underground...
My god. The scale of this work of art is amazing, the effects you added are neat, and the laser sharks are just great. I instantly downloaded when...
If you lower the grav-lift below the floor it can still push you upward, it just doesn't push as hard if it is low enough. By doing that you can...
Going to download it to replace the older version. I saw the pictures and it doesn't seem like you did much except take away the water and add...
Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. Again, I love the map and hope you completely finish it so I can get some games on it.
I personally like this map a lot. It is a creative idea (even though it's been done a lot) and it seems to be made extremely well. Probably the...
Dl'ing right now!! This map is great in almost every way, I love how you used the walkways for the sides, it really stands out imo. I see you've...
This map looks awesome, I see a lot of time was put into it and it seems to play well. I'm dl'ing right now so I can check it out. Not much else I...
I forged through the level and walked around a bit, found out the map is very small. I would say four people would be the the highest amount of...
Wow, I'm surprised nobody commented on this yet, the map looks great and seems like you put a lot of time and effort into it. I love how you have...
Nice looking map, I think there is a lot of room for improvement though. I see in the pictures there is a lot of small arms weapons (plasma pistol...
That's pretty crazy, I just downloaded Banshee on "most downloaded" today :P gotta say, that map was awesome and this will probably be too. The...
I like the map, very cleanly forged. You made the map great, and the layout the same as it was in H2, but honestly, I didn't recognize the map...
It is Blood Gulch, just the Halo 2 version. It looks pretty well made, not much to say about it because not much was built by you, so good job......