Ok guys, everyone who likes my map, and people who want me to add more, i am adding more. im going to add a second floor around the shotgun spawn...
Oh my, I've just realized that I don't have a download link! In a couple hours I'll have a DL link for you guys... Sorry! P.S. sorry for double post.
I am hoping to edit what people have suggested, mainly the two back areas, but instead of people telling me to build more, why not tell me what to...
Alright, if this map gets more famous to the community, I will try a V2 using the 2 corridors and the empty space in the map.
I agree, now that I look at it though, it could maybe use a second floor, but if anyone has any suggestions for a V2 I will gladly try to forge...
Center Focus (V2 ON ITS WAY!!) Forged by: Lieutenant Duck Center Focus is full of perfect interlocking and a little bit of geomerging. This map...
No offense at all but, This map had absolutely no effort put into it, like RoKKeR said, it is just rats nest blocked from the inside. You could...
This map has easily been forged by a professional =) The interlocking and the layout of the third picture is awesome
oh my. This map is 'geomergically' perfect, the slopes and slants perfectly interlocked deserves a 5/5
Great job on the forging, but there are some areas of this map that could use some touching up on merging. Oh well, i still like the layout of...
I'm looking for the **** zombies map right now. Have you made the random weapon box play music? :) Anyways, I wish I could make these 5/5
Nice use of the do not respawn setting lol. But this is by far one of the coolest switches I've seen, the track for the dumpsters must have taken...
Well done, I hope to see a CTF gametype with this map soon. Only 1 thing, there's not much ground cover
I like your tall open layout, but you have waaaay too many power weapons on this map, you should think of reducing it. Also invis + sword at same...
Great use of the sky dome in sandbox. Any lucky grenade placement and free kill. Good job on the layout of this map, this is one of the few maps...
Sir. You had the pictures posted properly the first time as i can see, but then you deleted them off of your photobucket profile, when that...
I don't think ive ever seen a mongoose close combat map :), im going to download this and play it with my friends tonight. I like your idea of...
youre pictures have an embedding problem. From the pics though, the small sky castle looks good for a 1v1 or a 2v2 map.
This map could definately use some more interlocking then just the center part, it would make it alot more professional looking. I like the idea...
ooo, This forum is far to serious, i even explained that i was scanning pages, its 1 post give me a break. I liked that map anyways.