These are the two best weapons in the game (Skill Wise) If you agree, put this picture in youre fileshare. Download: Here [IMG] Any feedback would...
Test Facility Download: Here [IMG] Overvision Download: Here [IMG]
Never thought a spiker would be used as a main weapon in an infection game, its always shotguns and swords. Nice variant though. If you want you...
This map is way to open. Theres barely any cover. Maybe you could add a second level in a V2 the height of the center structure. 3/5 Id like to...
I do believe forgehub standards state that you cannot use thumbnails as a picture, you have 1 good sized picture. From what i see (or can see)...
You can see the equpiment, its a trip mine, a deployable cover, a bubble shield and a flare, All of which are not ever used in swat but thats...
At first i was going to say this is similar to Peasant hunt, but now i say this is effin sweet, and its alot diffferent than peasant hunt. The...
Good: #1 the interlocking on the center tower is very nice and neat #2 i like how you made this for most of the gametypes Bad: #1 thats not an...
Well at least you didn't mess up your first post, although it could use some work, as in What gametype you would use, a weapons list and players...
The layout of this CTF map looks awesome, although at the moment its kinda hard to understand, hopefully you can get that overview screenshot in...
I think there is way way to many power weapons, Maybe just use a missle pod on each side and a slazer in the middle. I know there is air vehicles...
Nice =) link me the map when youre done, i want to check it out =)
this being a symmetrical map would be perfect for SWAT! Although KoTH and CTF and classic slayer are a good gametype for this too. Good job on...
This is a nice race map compared to others altough, this map could use some touching up, some of the interlocks are really messy and dont add to... my idea is that the zombies fall from the main level into the crypt right? And if this is a one sided infection the zombies need to have more...
I like the design of this map, although i havent ever played assassins creed, Tha asymetrical features of this map are cool. If you were to make...
Well im glad some people somewhat appreciate it. Thanks for the 300ish views for like 20 minutes of forge time =) Your welcome to people who...
Lockout was one of my favorite maps in halo 2, i was amazed when they brought it back as blackout in halo 3 and now blackout/lockout/blockout is...
Just a little constructive criticism; You definately dont need that many starting points =) about 4 is enough, maybe even 2. Anyways, i really...
Jail Cell Lieutenant Duck Why: I just wanted to get this cool little interlocking trick out there to people who want to use it and were...