I don't know how you'd manage to recreate the Sacred and Holy Train of Death. The rails themselves wouldn't be too difficult if you made them out...
There are easier meothds of merging an object into the ground at an angle (I haven't tried with walls.) All you do is move a guide back a bit on...
Thanks for taking the time to put the pictures up instead of leaving this to die. This looks like a very well-made map, looks like gameplay...
This is not MLG standard, as almost everyone has failed to notice. MLG does not use shield doors. MLG does not use movable objects unless they are...
The slight tilt in the merged crates is kindof annoying. Also, the conveyor belt doesn't always work; I'm not really sure why, because it seems...
[IMG] The Creationsim tree!!!!!! You see, nobody actually says that we come from monkeys. Over millions of years slight adaptations formed, thus...
It looks insanely average and uninteresting. It's been done before, and done better. Also, cover is good. Try using more of it and well placed....
Creationism should NOT be taught alongside science unless it is an optional course - being taught with other religions. What makes Christianity...
1. Me. 2. Me. 3. Me 4. Me. If there's only me, I know who's where, who's doing what, who's got the flag, and I know that NBODY WILL **** IT UP....
Then perhaps you should play it? Don't say "gameplay r retard," that's not how you win respect.
No wonder you turned rep off, you act good and you blow nuts.
They only got the shoulder piece.
I geomerge a box and build it off of that. No, I actually get inspired by things I see in nature, and mapulate them.
Perhaps you should get someone to judge who isn't you. Several judges with different styles would probably also help; and maybe there could be one...
Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : MLG Maps Please go here for more information on correct posting.
You have 1337 posts. Just letting you know. Pictures would be nice.
I'd like to go back on what I said earlier. The map is aesthetically pleasing, though bare. The only major problem I see is that the map is...
I see boxes and a sword fight. Please elaborate on the map itself, and how well the randomness works. Also, what stops players in the cages from...
I actually believe that the indent on the Aescetic helmet is possibly where their neck meets their head, giving it reason to be narrower. Nowhere...
Weapons go hand in hand with gameplay.