they could push them back but yea it doesnt matter with the shield door being there Not for people with epilp- epiluh... epilesps.. that seizure thing. unles u r curios?:confused:
ok i had to move my van cus the cops came but its in your neighbors back yard seeya there sexy
its been.. bout 2 weeks
when you got mad at me cuz i made fun of your SUX i said friends now and you said ok ill give you back your reps twice as much later
it says you has no visitor msgs so im here to make you no lonely
ok, milk n cookies den? :)
you said you was gun give meh x2 of mah repz that you tooked from me
k just makin sure, andps, i has candy in mah van out side your howse, u wont some? :)
oh and how old r u
on camofos profile you copyed me and made me sadface :(
you win at geomerging 5/5 + DL
you mocked me :( sadface yay! randomness!
oh yea i do that i leave random comments that piss people off usually on accident
wow that is quite a mouthful, but i guess you are used to that kind of thing
this map post is not up to standards Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be...
omg joey you has red ring of death so nao you can come to forgehub and download halo 3 maps nao?
in the power rangers one, is that you?