Wow, This puzzle map is very interesting, all the ideas that were put in here are amazing and they all flow together just nicely. I can tell you...
Yeah you're right, it does look like he changed up his style. Anyways, awesome looking map TecH!! I've been looking forward to this map ever since...
This is an amazing and very challenging map mander! Definitly your best so far, the post is great, the merging and even the geo's I noticed in...
Dude all yeemans maps require logical thinking are you crazy; you have to think outside of the box when playing his maps. He planted the seeds for...
I had a brief venture into the map with my buddy this evening and we think we know what to do in the first room, it’s very challenging. Great map...
That map you are referring to hell on earth was made by buddhacrane.He also was in paratroxity.
This looks very well made, well posted, and very nicely done, But. I'm stuck on puzzle 2! It's been taking me forever to complete that. I've spent...
They won't be helping anybody anytime soon so why don't you read the hints that mander provided us with.
I don't think i'm forgetting about you. First of all I don't even know who you are, second of all I just looked at your map post of your newest...
I think he was talking about the custom power up room.
I didn't know how to do this map at all, but then I watched the walkthrough, and I was amazed, for surley this map is one of your best tylyr1, I...
Good map dude, It looks great! I can't wait to try out this map in a party, i'm downloading now. 5/5
Wow. This map is great. I love all the new ideas and the forge is awesome to!!! I can't wait for that big puzzle map that you and a bunch of other...
tylyr1, YEE MAN is a lot better than you, and like Drummerguy360 said he is in the top three, probably next to Buddha and Mander, don't act like...
Actually this map has nothing original, the stupid beanstalk thing, i've seen that a lot, and the rocket ship idea almost everyone knows about,...
This looks like a fine map here; the map is very nicely balanced, and seems like it would play out great for 2v2 battles, I love the blue and red...
Like how this maps looking so far, I need help though on the part where the you drive the mongoose thru the window panell, and after that I have...
I like this map a lot, the layout is creative and I think it has potential for CTF However, the attackers will have to put some effort into...
Wow, great map T3CHH800! I'm really looking forward to that new puzle you're making with all those puzzle makers!!
Hey Buddha, I just wanna know if you really are forging with all those great puzzle makers, like T3CHH800, YEE MAN IZ BAK, and mander A1, there...