Thanks, i did want to create more of an open map, the list of weapons and equipment on the map is now up.
Thanks everyone for the comments. There is quite a bit of interlocking where walls meet boxes, etc. It is not too evident from the screenshots. I...
Compound C.E. I wanted to make a one sided objective map which has solid gameplay. So i set out with this idea of having an operating door...
Those corner walls have be interlocked on Foundry Switch. I did see that when i was looking at the original map. I also wantedd to keep this as...
All spawn points, weapons and objectives have been switched. I stated this on my original post. The staring points for Attackers and Defenders as...
The ghost is there on the original Foundry, its set as an Asymetric object. Thanks anyways for the comments!
Okay, i now know its been done before, thanks for letting me know.
I was in FnF. I met the group leader after obtaing recon armour. I then joind his group on : Facility B5D : Group Home...
I'm pretty new to Forge Hub so i didn't realise that it has been done before. I need a couple of people right now to get some gameplay footage of...
I wanted to make a different map, one that is original. I then came up with the idea of making Foundry the other way round. So basically this is...
I like it even though it is on the small side.
I like the idea however i don't feel that it is implemented very well.
I have made a few Forge variants on fifferent maps but i would say that my Foundry ones are the best.
Its was mainly built for fun matches so i thought that the man cannons would be a nice feature.
Nice map, it seems very different, it reminds me of when i tried to make a junkyard map by chucking down loads of random items. Anyway, its looks...
Thanks for the replies, its great to get other forgers' of views. Its one of my older maps so i will try to get round to posting some of my newer...
Hierachy is quite a small map and is compatible with Slayer, Capture The Flag, King Of The Hill, Oddball, Assault and Territories gametypes. This...
I really like this map. When i play on Xbox Live i rarely see good infection maps and i really do think that this should be in a future Living...
WOW! Thanks everyone, i do have a lot more maps to post up. My newer ones aren't in my fileshare because i need to renew my Bungie Pro. I have...
Yes i am, i also make lots of Forge maps.