This is an awesome map. The changes made since the last version really stand out. I really like what you have done with the regenerator which can...
I see some merging, here at Forge Hub we like merging 5/10 lol! I had to do that, about the map... Playtesting this map was loads of fun. It's...
There's a total of 4 entrances to each base, 2 on the ground floor and 2 to the top floor. Apart from the ramp, players can jump up to the second...
There is another way to the top of the base. In the 'Base External View' screenshot, you can see the small block which can be used to jump up....
Topple [IMG] [media] Topple is a symmetrical map which is based in the Crypt. The map is suited to team game variants as well as multi team...
This is a definite download for me. This map look very well map and i can see the resemblances of all sections of the original level. I really...
Thanks everyone, i had some comments about the sniper rifle spawn times stating that they were 30 seconds (they should be 150 seconds) I'll check...
I really like the look of this map and the way it has lots of elevation. The cover and weapon placement also seems good. The only thing i would...
Renovation Renovation is an asymmetrical map which is focussed around asymmetrical gametypes. The whole theme of the map is that the defending...
I like the suggestion about the man cannon, i'll merge it into the floor and see if it affects the actual purpose. About the fusion coil, its...
I have had several suggestions to change some of the weapons and their location. I have updated the original post with all of the respected...
After having a look aroun the map, i'm going to stick with my original suggestions. I like the size of the map, its big enough but not too big....
Thanks so much, it means a lot when someone make a lengthy and helpful review. I decided against the third level on the Sniper Tower as i didn't...
Nice map, i like it a lot more than Punishment. It looks large enough without any lack of cover. The only recommendations i would make is to put...
Insaneface, have you checked out my new map I E on this site yet?
Well done!
What's up?
Yeah, it's always great to play custom matches with a bunch of friends on a map you've made : )
This maps looks great. I would never had thought of making an oversized Kitchen. I like the multiple levels within the bases. The changes made...
Awesome map, how did i not see this one in the forums. Great job on the feature, i'm going to check this bad boy out! Nice aesthetics aswell.