Dear.....****ing.....god. That is seriously deranged. I'd be traumatized if I ever discovered anything like that, especially if it was in my...
I'm having difficulty seeing it as well, which is why I believe it may just be a coincidence.
Oh, there's so much that I hate. Where to start? It's generally the people I hate on live more than any specific aspect of it. I shall arrange...
I do not know if this has already been suggested, but.... Destructible objects/terrain. What I mean is have a number of objects with a switch...
Um, you forgot to include Banshees in your poll. That'd be my favorite, harkening back to the days of Halo 2.....I loved pulling off mid-air...
*shrug* I call things the way I see 'em, Nemi. You're among those here who actually bother to post well-structured responses. Did anyone see the...
It has no's just an interesting easter egg. Though I'm not sure if it could just be a simple coincidence.
On my 360 copy of Oblivion, I have done virtually EVERYTHING there is to do. I have one achievement left to get, and the only reason I don't have...
My 360 has not RROD'D on me once, and I've almost had it for two years now. When it's on, however, the fan occasionally makes a very odd...
Okay, it's not the fact that you're saying the 360 beats the wii, so much as it is the fact that you clearly know little to nothing about the...
To be fair, he DID imply that all us normal people aren't really subject to fits of violent rage because of the way our society is going....and he...
It's an interesting idea, sounds kind of like the concept behind the spies in Team Fortress 2....but it would be incredibly difficult to get...
I would definitely add this theme park to my rather hefty "places to go before I die" list. Though I think it would be a nice touch if they...
Okay, as far as the comment related to parents is concerned, the fact is that many parents DON'T understand the ratings system. I had a ten year...
Hmm....sounds a little confusing/difficult to do. I too would like to see a video on youtube, hopefully the OP posts one sometime sooner or later....
That picture is going to give me nightmares.
Conspiracy theories aren't necessarily a flaw in human logic or reasoning so much as they are simply flawed theories constructed by delusional...
Looks pretty damn awesome...but isn't the Mako cannon called the Sister Ray?
This map looks pretty amazing, I must say. I presume the MAC gun is a scorpion that's been locked in place somehow? It seems like a lot of the...
If it's only been two years, I think you might still be covered. Didn't Microsoft extend the 360 warranty for another two years because of RROD...