It's a unique concept, my main concern would be that the areana either would be a little bit too small or the territories too big judging by the...
Quite a lot of typos there, it's spelt Forward not Foreword, Through, not Threw, and Straight, not Strait. But bad spelling aside, this is an...
Yep, iv'e been waiting for this since the preview, and it's about damn time someone made an awesome replica frigate! I'm Dling it straight away...
i think it's supposed to be a i right? Okay, some tips then. Try to make the G a little more in size with all the other letters....
Welcome to forgehub! the map isn't too bad. The overlapping walkways would make for some intresting gameplay. The only flaws i can see are that...
I like the first and fifth ones the best. The way light is used in the first one is good, like from the jetpack and the stars etc. i like the...
Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm not just telling people how to kill grunts, im showing one of the most effective ways to do it. You can go...
Hey there! Welcome to my guide to gruntpocalypse. Gruntpocalypse is a great way (one of the fastest in fact) to level up in reach, earning you...
Is it just my imagination or at 1:20 does a door shut behind you when you get in the elevator? If so, that is imaginiative Really cool how it...
Wow, the gate looks amazing. liking the bridge too. pretty promising stuff. keep it up :)
Wow, Sik that's awesome. I loved halo 3's Barts Manor. You should totally remake Bart's Chapel, that was my favorite of all your maps :)
I've noticed a few overpowerments in reach, the worst has to be the scorpion on hemmorage. If a guy just moves it as far back as possible and sits...
Wow that looks great. You should add some more sandbags along the edges of trenches etc, and often, no man's land wasn't as flat as that, maybe...
Sandtrap was the best H3 map for rocket race and that wad because it was flat and smooth with the occasional elevated area. As i can see here,...
Wow, i think what captures it best is the way the sun is perfectly where it is in the mario version in the first picture. You should put...
Wow, pretty nice, i noticed a few overlapping flickering issues in the video though, maybe fix that, and don't the carriers have a small ramp at...
Everyone has maxium speed, minium gravity and plasma pistols. Doable Damage is set to none and every possible fx effect is on so you can barely...
Yeah im sure advertising your thread on someone elses without permission is against the rules, it's also pretty rude. Great map though, ive...
Wow, that's seriously nice. love how it looks like a covenant ship on the inside too, really accurate. I can't believe you made a ship this big...
Wow, his chin got uppercutted by that lift :O