Well made but your download link goes to a screenshot of the dragon and not to the map download itself. Plase fix it, and maybe use a less blurry...
I have to say, i was expecting a soccer map, but this is pretty good. Reminds me of guardian from halo 3 somehow.
Looks, pretty fun so long as theres a very short respawn time. I'll try this when i'm testing my new rocket race map tonight. Ill send you an...
It'd be cool, but as mentioned, it is pretty impractical but it might be okay if it were only in forge, sort of like shade turrets. You don't see...
I might do, ill see how the testing turns out, the areas themselves aren't really huge and they're necessary in some areas like the run up to the...
Ah! thanks so much, i'll get that downloaded now. No wonder i wasn't getting anywhere if it's a completely seperate gametype. :P
Wha...oh...cool! It's out of bounds! You should post a screenshot showing exactly where it is. It'd be pretty nice if this were playable, maybe...
It's pretty nice, but the legs look way too short and stumpy, and it's a little fat in both the "neck" and main body of it. I would have...
Yeah, i'm pretty sure they do but it's just on the default maps i think.
i was going to enter, but read the rules and it's only open to residents of the US. Yeah. Sucks to be me.
Hi, this is a new map variant for rocket race i have that is nearing its completion. i still need testers for it, so if you're intrested leave...
Yeah, deffinately colloseum wall. So basic. So big. So useful.
There might be i suppose, i could imagine it being some sort of cave the size of the sandbox crypt built into on of the rockfaces. But chances are...
wouldn't say i "support" the making of non forgeworld maps, but that's not to say i don't like people making them. good job, nice to see you can...
yeah, iv'e been looking for soemone to join regular customs with, but everyone i've added is hit and miss usually.
It'd deffinately overpowered, even on Paradiso, iv'e had a 25 killstreak just by backing it as far into the water as it'l go and sitting it out,...
it looks good, however, what's with the things sticking out halfway down the pitch? Maybe the top grid is a bit unnecassary too. Like how you've...
Congratulations on forgehub's first non-forgeworld aesthetic map! And..err...congratulations on making a robot too. Brobot. Cool name. It must...
It looks quite well made aesthetically, but i'm not so sure about gameplay...have you tested it yet? This map looks like it's work well with an...
Welcome to the aesthetic map section of forgehub my friend. Heres the definition of "Aesthetic" courtesty of the oxford dictionary ;):...