looks pretty good, ive played it before and liked it, is good for 2v2
hey, this looks decent from the pics, no big gameplay changes from what i can see though, and it looks like you added a ton to many weapons
Thats how it usually is with every map.... but it looks like it was made pretty well, EXTREMELY small from the pics maybe 1v1, but i dont think...
yea, this looks really sloppy, i think that you have a great idea going, but i think that you need to clean it up and expand on what youve thought up
looks really fun, id love to play it sometime!
this map looks pretty small, 1v1 or 2v2 ish, but i thinkn that the interlocking is superb, and the layout is pretty unique, my only complaint...
sounds like it might be overstacked to the humans, but i hope you get those pics up so i can see, btw is the bunker the humans are in full of...
this map looks really good, but when i saw the weapon choices i was really shut down, shotgun and rockets might be a little too overpowering on...
looks good, kinda small though, and i dont like the filters all it does is impair vision.
from the one tiny pic, i can see that you interlocked good job on that
thanks, thats what i was aiming for
thanks, for the great review, wonderful job, and you seemed to pick up on everything, ill try to even things out and fix those key points you...
Cool, hope you like it.
thanks, took quite a while to make
thanks guys, i was just trying to give people more options when they play
Thanks, its a blast for swat too.
thanks took me a while to make.
thank you it took a lot of time
the floating base idea is used a lot, but this was like the 2nd or 3rd avalanche map released. a lot of people have commented on the floating...
thank you very much kilimanjaro