looks pretty good, i like it.
um i really agree with luinibux or whatever his name is, thats not good weapon placement, and people could easily get dominated on this map if 2...
the outside map looks extremely open, you should probably fill it in with "stuff" and the inside looks really cramped, how big is it?
looks ok, kinda looks easy to get out of, but yea keep itup
looks kinda empty and boring.
looks pretty good, when you walk up the teleproter ramp, does it make you bump,and im really glad you merged the boxes witrh map geometry.
looks pretty good, but the hallway looks pretty open and disconected from the map. BTW how big is it, its really hard to tell?
this looks decent, i can tell you spent a lot of time on it, but it looks REALLY easy to get out of the map, and the stairs look like theyd fall...
completely and utterly confusing... i love it!
looks way to open in some spots
hehe?... ok... well as for the map it looks pretty good, i like the layout a lot reminds me of junkyard on r6v2 for some reason, idk why, but...
this looks decent, not very much orignal stuff goin on though, kinda dull, and the steps do look really bumpy, but it does looks interesting,
this looks ok, some parts look a little sloppy, interlocking the sniper bridge with the wall, might make it a little smoother as well.
oh I played on this yesterday and had a blast, really fun map.
good techniques, but this map looks too generic and boring...
Yea, this does look pretty sweet, i like it reminds me of a big city or somehting idk
looks really interesting.
looks good from squinting at those tiny pics.
looks pretty good, some creative ideas used and i think the interlocking and merging look great. Cant wait to play it!
looks good, some things are crooked and need to be interlocked and cleaned up, but nice layout.