This doesnt look sloppy, it actually looks like you put a lot of time into making the map, but from the looks of it it looks like a pretty bad...
Oh i remember playing on colossus, and im really sorry to say but i really didnt like it that much. There were just to many weapons on the map or...
Textured does make a good point, but when he could have easily made the map a LOT SMOOTHER it really robs a map of what it could have been, take...
I thought i already comented here? guess not, what i wanted to say was it looks absolutely great, seems like it would have pretty good gameplay...
Wow havent seen to many pit varients, dont get rid of rockets, but definalty sword, and even though your proud you got a tele up there take it...
this map seems kinda dull, im not being mean, its just nothing really grabs me
of course you would your friend made it This map looks pretty good , i like the layout and it looks like itd be fun to play on. Hope to see you...
This map does look like a lot of fun, hope it plays well!
This map looks pretty good, but in the last picture i see a pretty big bump, i dont know how it will affect gameplay (probably not much) but i...
Thanks, after finishing the map im working on right now, im probably going to go back and fix everthing in both reviews and make a V2. Thanks for...
This looks like it could be a lot of fun, and im really glad you geomerged
well if your going to call it v2 id definatly make some map improvements, even if you dont have that much to improve on you want to change the map...
First of all this map looks like it could be fun (aside from camp weapons) It looks like youve made a pretty solid map, but i would definalty...
you used some pretty creative ideas, but my only apprehension is the open spot in the middle, looks really open. and falling explosives doesnt...
If you played this with 16 people i dont think you could even see the map from all the spartan lazers, energy drainers, bubble shieilds, rocket...
my biggest problem with this map is that it would either be extremely easy to spawn camp after your team has the bomb, or the other team would...
I like the first 2, but the third one looks a lot like reflex and i can see that you can fall inside the double open box pretty easily.
yea i was gonna say that about the similarity of the reactor core in both dynamics and your maps. Also i absolutely love this map, it just looks...
this looks kinda sloppy, especially by the 1st base where the door is crooked, on top of that some of the walls are crooked in the middle.
This looks like it would be really good for gameplay, kinda like a city or something.