Have a better way of grouping people by skill level?
Just a thread where you can find people with similar k/d spreads, BPR's, ages, etc., add them on xbox live, and play some competitive gametypes...
Feel your pain. Ok, I ****ing hate it when I'm playing an infection game and someone lunges at me like ****ing Superman from a mile away, I kill...
Just watched Inglourious Basterds last night. It was interesting. There was a lot less action in it than I thought there would be, but still very...
19. Wellthatwasfun...
The best way I've found to do this is playing 2x score attack in the score attack playlist on Beachhead. On the last wave they'll drop a ghost and...
Added you on xbl. Look forward to playing some customs with you man.
Pretty funny.
IAmLuke21393, up for testing and forging. Matchmaking if I'm in the mood.
Pretty straightforward. Just competitive maps, except for powerless. Powerless is competitive with no shields and pistols as power weapons.
If you're interested, I have the following maps up on my fileshare: Tunnels: 4v4 Slayer, Assault, CTF, HH, Infection, etc. TAG: iamluke21393...
Got the message. Let me upload/tag them and I'll tell you what the tags are. Unless you've got people ready for testing, I'll just settle for some...
...is for the firefight playlist. Does that count Firefight Doubles and Score Attack or just Firefight?
So... they scratch my back, I scratch theirs? Whatever works. Edited by merge: One of the maps I posted on your video, "Assembly Line", was the...
People that just sit on my friends list without ever inviting me to games/sending me messages/etc.
Do what you like.
You could try having people purposely leave their vehicles for a few seconds, go across on the one way shield doors, then having them respawn on...
You'll have to send a message to my inbox, otherwise I may not remember. I just get wrapped up in a map whenever I don't feel tired. Edited...
Well that's pretty gosh darn swell of him. Much appreciated. Edited by merge: I posted my info on the video describing how to post info (it...
So... I just post a map and you take care of... -Getting all the people together. -Arranging a time to test the map. -Playing the game. -Recording...