Maybe try boxing him into a room? I don't remember because I usually run past this part in the campaign, but I think there are lots of boxes in...
Tend to megapace in non-TU because you can't hit worth a damn if you don't. In TU though, I just go my regular speed. It's not really spam, but...
Working today, but I'll be online later tonight. In about 10 hours, hopefully. ~WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!~
Oh, I know, I'm just playin'. :3
Kept getting teamed with people that would do something for the first two minutes, then just sit there. Feel your pain. Hit the jackpot once...
This. If someone NEEDS a power weapon, it's probably because they get outgunned in a fair fight. But, but... :( -I couldn't think of a name....
Something we agree on. I just knew we'd be best buds one day.
Well, if they've unlocked the haunted pilot helmet, that's kind of a representation of armory completion, and you can't unlock that until you...
Helpful, thank you. :)
Thanks to everybody who responded. I don't know **** about computers, but the thought that it's some stupid neighbor kid instead of Anonymous is...
Minding my own business tonight playing H3, when suddenly my xbl gets disconnected. Then my laptop's internet goes out. I go to check what's wrong...
Right, I suppose. Just frustrating. :/ Edited by merge: That's a good time too. (see siggy)
Sauce on your profile pic?
Went -18 in a TU Hot Potato against a team of inheritors. **** the Team Objective playlist and **** people that run around in groups against randoms.
My siggy. These guys were trash talking me before the game and I showed them up. Afterwards they messaged me crap like "all you did was run up and...
If I remember I'll send you a fr.
I guess I might have to do that. I just wish there was a setting to make stuff spawn at that exact time every time since there's always going to...
Is there a way to make an object spawn only when an infection game is down to the last man standing?
If you'd like to take the time to 1v1 everybody that posts in a thread like this to figure out who's on the same skill level as you, kudos to you...
[IMG] Probably some extremely complicated formula.