...but if anybody wants to play some competitive minigames, I'm always up for it. Also, discussion thread about the topic, though I know it wasn't...
They're making sprint a default armor ability, which means I'll have to think before every round starts instead of just picking sprint and taking...
I bought noble and defiant and played the DLC playlist a bit. Hate it already. Maybe it's just because I don't have the patience to learn all the...
Pretty sure there's a thread for this somewhere, but I'll post here anyway. I'm up for anything that doesn't involve sitting around being dead for...
I used to be horrible at sniping. Not saying that I can get a falling 180 no scope double kill with my eyes closed now, but I've improved...
I feel your pain. I've been in MM with friends through system link and while my screen is completely blank I can see them trying to protect me...
Sure sounds frustrating. I don't generally like playing Headhunter for a few reasons. -People stand in the circles a lot which makes the game less...
Maybe not the worst, but noteworthy: Authetication Required Halo Official Site Classic unorganized vs team, but we started off with -1 because the...
Maybe not the worst thing, but still pretty bad. A game of team slayer that may as well have been doubles. Adrien and I whooped some ass though....
That's pretty damn terrible. Has something been changed with the respawn system in Reach recently? Seems like I've been getting a toooon of...
Worth a shot I suppose, though I've never played Halo 3 online.
Is it just me or has this been happening a lot lately? People joining a game and not playing after the first minute or so. Seems like every time I...
I know the map that you're talking about. The same thing happened to me. Honestly, I could **** a better BTB map than some of the ones they're...
REMOVED Maybe... maybe I won't have the thread locked for this. Maybe if you bother looking at the picture, Mr. Moderator, and understanding my...
Oh, right. This. [IMG] You'd think I'd be thanked for telling everyone to avoid a player that was simply trying to hold a team back and ruin a...
You clearly didn't bother looking at the picture, otherwise you wouldn't have locked the thread. It was hardly picking on another player. It was...
You'd have to link me to it, I don't remember.
REMOVED Y'know... if you want.