bungie just need to keep relesing updates for foundry relesing new itens and scenery etc.
i use deafault but once i accedently switched it to southpaw or idk whats its called. I lost like 5 games in MM before i found out wat was wrong
upgrade your hard drive.
well its comin out around the same time as gta 4 andi rather play that instead
base 1 is in the top let hand corner and base 2 is inthe bottom right hand cornor
if im not mistaken u use ur windows live account toplay on halo 2 pc. not your xbox live account but if u have xbox live than u should have...
all u need to beat halo 3 legendary is plasma pistol and br and stickes the rest is all easy and maybe a b ubble sheild here and there
[img] whats the first weapon you are going to go for on ghost town when they are relesed. ill go for rockets 1 hundred percent i think the side...
what would be a cool add on to this map would be to put sheild doors around the exterior of the ship on the floor to resemble water but i notice...
here is an idea put a wall flat on a noter so it looks like a T. then lean the top wall back some so it looks like those preson movie fences where...
i thought i was the only one. when istart on a map i say tomy self ill go back in the end and make everything straight. but there would be walls...