45. you shoot imaginary br's at the ppl around you 46. you count the respawn on wepons when you pick them up both of these equal me
well thers griffball and basketbomb and i havent playd it but firey deathball looks fun you can find that here...
ahhhh dont double post and name is now even worse just inculde the name of the make no extra information. and i just read the bottom how is this a...
do you mean like getting walls straight. all i do is put a box up and lay the wall against box.
he is not the only one who makes sweet maps here there are tons of people who make make equaly as good as him.
ok im about to call some pizza place and order liver and pinapple. ahha im still laughiing on the inside
hahaha hilarious ifonly it were true id like to se him come up to me and smack away m ice cream ill pull out my grav ham and beat down
i read somewhere that there were gonna be more items you can use.
Re: Race map on foundry Are you sure you want to call it Race map on foundry that not very creative either is the map. Check out the forgeing101...
haha i love that slide in the pool thats sweet
you supposed to put links to the bungie.net site . and dont advertise your site our probly gonna get warned or banned cause you ere already warned
ohhh i get it since its easter u made a church and in the bnet post u mentions easter eggs.
i cant really get a feel for the map from the pictures you showed. maybe something showing th overview of the map
i wanna say something but i just cant. if i say something its probly gonna be mean. and i dont want to be mean i wanna be a nice guy. so instead...
wow stfu i hop u tell me to kill my self ill probaly come after you. its people like you that make me made if i catch you on the streets your toast
u can make zombies have a certain number of lives and humans have a certain number of lives in infection
idk people just get so used to seeing interlocked objects that when it isn't interlocked that say it sucks. most people don't judge maps on game...
set the run time max to the run time minimumso if it dissapers it will intsantly respawn
ive always used mario on ssbm cause his c stick pwns all. ppl would say why do u pick mario he sucks but in the end i am triumphant. i havent...
wrong sectiion i think