it reminds me of whackamole with people jumping out and you trying to hit them. maybe with a series of tunnels under neath and a couple of more...
Re: The Palace. Symmetrical Team Slayer Arena inside a dome. Are you telling me that this Nathon green guy is letting us download his dome map...
They are calling it a lockout remake and it looks very simalar. but i dont really like it looks like it will play like guardian with one the teams...
if pay for the heroic DLC on your mule account and not on your main account you still should be able to have maps of DLC on both accounts
ill answer your post with one of equal quality. :squirrel_wtf: ^^^^^^^^ ok i actully think mine is better hiiiiiii
Agree Agree Ive come to learn by reading countless posts on all types of maps that more people like a map that has better aesthetic qualities...
still interlocking would help this map tremendously and also if you flip the boxes so that their bottom is showing you it will give your map a...
ive seen the first one in another post somewhere and the second one i did not find that funny. The third one was the best by far it was getting...
huh?! ohh is it over? i must of fell asleep at 2303.6m. and of course only in japan would you see such an amazing feat
get some boxes and interlock them only chaging the angle of thea certain numbers of degrees until you get the curve you want. but by the time you...
There is already a post on this in the stickies.
i think it is kinda sad that the first guy could not get up there after like 3 trys
this is kinda old i remember seeing it about a year ago maybe more. But it still makes me laugh.
idk i think maybe this shoulda been put in aesthetics
how high can u get the elephant to go
ty very much for you gonnu maked med an awsomeneseses siggy ina few days if you need drugs or hoes just hit me up jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkj
maybe an overview picture so i can get a better view of the map and try your hand at interlocking its a very use full thing to know.
Congrats on making a good first map post. i have to looks like a well built map with solid gameplay and i would probaly go a couple rounds before...
no i think just plain is good cause it looks clean. the only reason i have numbers in mine cause those are my lucky numbers
heck yes mods would win. if u just auto aim mod wit sniper u always win. BOTS suck