Thats a good idea I hadn't thought of that. I came up with this because I like to write sci-fi novels and I had written this really cool battle...
I don't know if anybody has done this before but what if somebody made a really big invasion map and then set up the first three teirs, saved it...
I tend to get out the good old pencil and paper and draw an overhead view. After I draw a few layouts I go into Forge and follow the drawing to...
Thanks!!! This is actually draft 4. Draft 1 was a losers attempt, draft 2 was a leach of pieces and didn't even look good, and draft 3 was too...
Put them on photobucket or something and then copy the image code and paste into the post.
Yeah hallwars inspired this map. While I was building HallBrawl I studied every piece of Hallwars to see how it was built. Unfortunately I...
Wow! I was AMAZED by the video. it seemed really competitive... more competitive than any invasion map I've seen! I know what I'm downloading...
If you want to make the AA gun look better I recommend looking at the Halo Forge Epidemic's video called "Gun Show" on Youtube. I found it very...
HallBrawl [CENTER]Created by Writingrider1[/CENTER ] NOTE: HallBrawl has two problems that I didn't notice when I posted the map on my...
I don't get the code part.
Thank you for viewing. Though I admit that I am not an expert forger, I love Halo: Reach and the Forge mode. I work VERY hard on my maps and I...