y do i feel like ive seen this before..... if not good job
looks a little sloppy and doesnt loook like a tower..... but not bad for an idea make a v2 and neaten it up :)
good job making a map thats not on foundry u should make more on difernt maps i personally dont like this 3/5 but good job
awesome 5/5
this once peaceful cemetary has become destroyed and ravaged over years of war only to become more and more polluted and look industrial....
ill think about that if i make a version 2
my new race track i completed it just o7/03/08 . its a very easy to drive on course with a unique starting gate that takes ten seconds to open.it...
A small military base with a cannon and vehicles. it has 2 mongeese and 3 hogs. the cannon has a botton that can allow it to shoot. the button is...
i would have never thought of a race track on blackout u did a really good job ill dl :)