:D Thnx! And I have absolutely no clue what that is! XD All I did was use burn and dodge tool, some noise added, and some motion blur.
Hey everyone, just made this. Used a photo that my sister took (it's the far left part) and the rest from scratch. Tell me whatchya think! [IMG]
Yes! V2 is win. lol Good job. The redone text is really good and the tower whole picture now has much better balance and unity.
I think colors are no problem at all, bravo on that. The launch tower is pretty fuzzy, was it the stock or did u make it like that? Maybe if the...
LOLZ The color flow is nice, and your c4d's are pretty well placed. Only thing is that the hand is yellowy and blurry, yet his face seems sharper...
Yeah, I could probably change the gradient and fool around a bit. I agree, it is kinda light. And thank you :D lol
Hey everyone, just made this sig. All from scratch (save the stock reference of the gun ( no brushes or fonts)). Pretty simple, but I think it...
Hey all, I made this last night out of various stock photos. It needs more work, but I'm not sure what to do. Plz give input! V1 [IMG] V2...
Yeah, I had an idea but I failed. XD And the bg is just product of my unsteady hands when taking the pic XD
Am I allowed to cahnge my entry?
Well the 2 shadows are one from Dr. Manhattan's light and a lesser one from the street lights to Batman's left. As for the reflection, I'm not...
Hey all, haven't really made a sig lately so I decided to make one. I used a photo of a desk in my house for the bg. It's not the best, but I...
V1 has the sky that looks better. You should still fade those white clouds(under the big planet), they don't look right to me.
Hey everyone. I drew this with my copic pens last night, scanned today and colored etc. I think it needs some tweaking, probably might use as a...
I think it would look better if the white cloudy area under the big planet was not so overpowering. That would balance it out more
Yes, people may not want to do it over time, but it is to set a foundation and standard for everyone to give good criticism and artistic help. I...
Agreed.If I wanted to think like that Fragman, I don't think I would ever better myself as an artist. Taking peoples cnc is helpful in developing...
Well Cs4 can suck it.XD Cs3 is better anyways and its more than 4 times less $. Mace, Cs stands for Creative suite lol
I'd say the heart one. It's better.
It isn't 700$. The full Creative suite is (Ps, Fl, Dw, etc) Photoshop itself is only like 130$ (Cs3)