Nicely done although theres a bit too much junk in the overpass for me.
cool really useful thanks.
It looks good and is very original you might wan't to wrk on the infeection version though if there over so quickly.
Minigames are always good but this is better than most.
Good map really confusing though imagine playing this with just sniper rifles or on infection
All of them ey??? now if only i could get onto Bungie... As for the actual map it is very good and there are loads of things to find, me and my...
lol i wonder.... could master chief really get that busy?? 5/5
It does look really good with some funny techniques i haven't seen before anywhere else
It looked like a good map the moment i saw the pictures, but then when I actually played on the was awesome and it does seem really...
very good map. Theres so much work thats been put into this it would be a shame if it hadn't got featured. 5/5
I only clickedd on this map because it had the word dragon in it. but its actually a really good map which must have taken ages to do so 5/5.
I agree it is a good idea but also eventually everyone will end up in hell and then you may also have problems with thhe respawn points later on.
looks good although a tanks a bit different than a tennis ball shooter. It's a shame there aren't footballs on avalancche. have you tried using...
first map ive seen on coldstorage aswell but how do the boobytraps work, as you've gotta be careful not to make it too biased like that fatboy...
tis a good map if its as good as the old one but i can't see the pcitures for some reason.
tis good map but yeah it does need to be slightly bigger so that when my friends come round we can all just go crazy on it. 4/5
not bad, needs some more things in it though such as rooms and have a look at the triggers in forge 101 as that kind of thign could work really...
why can't i see all of the pictures though, i can see base B but i can't see the rest. I played that map before (I think) and it was very good. I...