penguins are evil and you know it!
It does look like a good map with all of the interlocking and everything. Good geomerging too I would download it but I can't get onto
I wouldn't bother doing the interlocking and geomerging if its just can break your map up really you'd have to start from scratch. Also how do you...
Is it possible to make an object dissapeer though after a certain amount of time?
looks like a good idea dfinetly mre of a mingiame than anything else
looks like a really good map and some good ideas with the decisions.
cool nicely done and a good story line to boot.
lol could come in handy....somehow
It's a good map if all your friends are on holiday or something and youre bored but you can't really do it in a group it's too adictive.
The map looks good but to be honest the gametypes get really boring really quickly. We had one person who wasn't even playing and none of the cops...
Thats nice! Very good map and i wouldn,t bother interlocking takes too long to do and this is good as it it. Now if only alo 3 had options for...
not bad for an extra though, the littlest things make the biggest sense
Very nice map and thats a good idea aswell making it fair for both the xzombies and the humans much bettter than something like Fat Boy
It does look good although tactics especially does make a map really good rather than repetitive shooting other than that it does look good. 4/5
It does actually look really good but does it work as a competitive map aswell as an aesthetic one? Although come to think about it ddosen't...
<dramatic music>
Does look good with pleanty of rooms but what is LCL and whats this based on?
looks ok yeah although 10 hours sseems a bit much for me. i suppose if it's worth it
Yeah it does look really good. And good use of grav lifts aswell. 4/5
very nice might try and use that.