not a bad looking map but not too original. Close enoughto the original map though to get a 5/5 because counterstrikes a really good game!
Looks really good actually, although I'd get confused on a map that big but then again I often forget which ways left and which ways right... 4/5...
Hows is this even possible?
So thats how you make people spawn in different places at different times.Thanks Furious D. Also really good map, very original it's gonna be hard...
Im thinking of makiing a map simiklar to this do you have any tips or Ideas, but mines gonna be an assualt with a timer on each round in general....
Awesome, very clever and much better thanGrifball
Cool this would be really good in a race map you know
Dammit thats so cool but I can't get onto Bungie to download it is is in your fileshare?
Woah thats complicated you really should use this is one of your own maps you know.
Your welcome. cant remeber why i gave it you though.
Awesome, nuff said.
Dammit why i am I the only one who can't see the pictures! From what i can tell and from what iv'e seen in your previous scarabs this has to be...
Simple enough but migh t get a bit dull after a while
Well its definetly original..... and really good! I don't think your text is big enough though...
cool this could come in handy
Very simple but I think that works OK on this. 4/5
Awesome! Some really good ideas there with booby traps and everything especially the dumpster ones.
Yay first post!In other news that looks like quite a good map, especially the defenders area although you need a few more pictures so you can see...
I don't know how many of those Pokeplushies things ive leveled now if you've got any more I'll be glad to click on it.
It does look good and the interlocking youve got looks good as it is I wouldn't bother with that much and a good idea having the grav lift in a...