Looks quite good I like the way that your tryying to make a good version of fatkid.
this would be really good if it was just bigger like twice that size. PM me if you make it.
nice it looks quite good i was thinking of making his but slightly differnet withgrav lifts bombs and shield doors. 4/5-You could improve the...
Cool it looks good seems quitte similar to omega journey. Someone should try andmake an infection game on something else than forge you could make...
Um, theres basically nothing there and to be honest I'd try and add much more deatail about what actually happens, you will want pictures of the...
I like the Idea of spawning but it also limits the amount f people you can have in a game. 4/5
would be better with a monmgoose, everythings better with a mongoose 5/5 - 6/5 with a mongoose or both
Dosne't look bad but I expect alot of humans will die at the begining of the game
Not a bad map, i like the trucks. 4/5
cam0flaug I dont think the people can do any damage so they could shoot all they want they won't hurt anyone. 5/5
Lol, this looks cool and funny! 5/5 for creativity 5/5 for not doing interlocking (oh how I hate it) 5/5 overall Well done!
It looks really good but i'll agree with evryone else (baa) the endings flat and the map gets quite confusing. 4/5
\it may look like a real heap...but don't jump to conclusions straight away I've played on a map like this before (cold have beeen this one) and...
Me and my friend tried this out reecnetly with 14 other epople. Awesome. 5/5
Looks really good but you don't want much of the map too be abut pure luck. 5/5
Dosent lok bad ata ll makes a change from the greynes s of the original grifball i just only wish bngie would have made more sandbox maps, but...
Good idea, and all infection maps are good, seems a bit though on the humans though...
not a bad map especially for your first attempt and in my view all infection games are good. 4/5
OMG this poor person quickly everyone give him advice without looking at what anyone lese has said! Quickly stuff £705 into your xbox jum through...
Not bad a map the pallets on the bridge look a little sloppy you don't really need those either and i can't make out what the easter egg is...