Thanks guys!
The maulers and the open area makes you exposed to carbine, br and sniper fire.
Valorous By Leroy Jenklns Supports all gametypes Valorous: Great courage in the face of danger, especially battle. Map Description Valorous...
Sweet, I remember playing the first version of this map I thought it was good but this looks real good, nice job!
This is a really sweet map, very nice interlocking and geomerging!!!
I love this map, I haven't played it yet but it looks awesome!!! I really like the teleporters pit!!!
This map looks really sweet, Ima go download it!!!
Sounds like a great map from the description, and looks good from the pics... I'll download!!!
Looks like a great map, nice interlocking to!!!
Thanks for the feedback.
No... did you? I thought I made it unescapable...
Thank for all the feedback guys!
Harvest 1.2 Created by Leroy Jenklns Map Description The attackers spawn on the hill and the defenders spawn in the base. -The idea for this...
Outskirts By Leroy Jenklns Supports all gametypes Outskirts is Based on the Halo 2 campaign mission "Outskirts"...
Thanks for all the suggestions, and im working on a version 2.0 so they help allot.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
HARVEST Created by Leroy Jenklns Supported Gametypes: CTF AND SLAYER Map Description ATTACKERS SPAWN ON A HILL AND THE DEFENDERS SPAWN IN...