First off, I just want to say there are no hard feelings. And I'd like to thank you for looking a little deeper into the map. After checking out...
Leroy Jenklns submitted a new map: Snow Snare - I present to you my remake of Sand Trap from Halo 3! Gamertag: Leroy Jahnkens The map is in my...
Gamertag: Leroy Jahnkens The map is in my bookmarks titled "Snow Snare 1.3" I'd also like to thank my friend Se7enThunders for the always wise...
we can both has jenkins :D
hey, can't we just share?
This map looks awesome, I would definitely download it. Nice job!
My pleasure.
Hey no problem. :D
Wow. This map looks amazing, I love the hill, and the shield bridge. I'll DL.
The door was mostly for cover.
No, the crates do not move on the belts.
Hmm, I'll try and fix that.
I'm pretty sure that it is NOT possible to escape.
Conveyor Belts By Leroy Jenklns Supports all Gametypes Map description: Conveyor Belts has been done for about a month now, I just never...
I'm finally starting on my next map... Assembly Line.
Will do.
Oh... not much, I'm pretty bored.
Well hello.
Are you a star wars fan? cause if you are thats pretty stellar!