I'm making a map, with the basic idea of this. Original thread-...
Well Chris. Exclamation marks are fun... Oh, and regarding the sniper comment, either you are lucky, or the random spawning just happens to give...
Alright. I don't want a map discussion to turn into a flame war, okay? Kryticate, you probably didn't read the whole post, and simply put, it...
Thanks everyone, but to clear it up, the stealth HAVE FULL CAMO. The reason they are visible in pictures is because they are either attacking, or...
Sid Master, the Custom Power-up lasts 90 seconds. Also, the Banshee isn't overpowered, as it's usually: A:Hijacked B:Taken down with turret...
Oh, and if we did want to, we wouldn't use a custom power-up. Most people don't know this, but you can change advanced spawn settings so that you...
Looks like he is grabbing his crotch.
Hi, Izano Slayer here! Sorry that my friend is being a ahemJERKcoughcough, I'd like to thank everyone for liking at this map! Above, suggestions...
Even though the instant death seems like a problem it really isn't. Most of the time you can avoid bullets as that class. Thanks for the feedback,...
TrenchWars 1918 Created by: Z0mbie Kitten and Izano Slayer Original idea and most forging by z0mbie kitten; Tons of added ideas by Izano Slayer...
Alright, Thanks!
Sorry! Ok, how do I move it? (Yes. I'm a noob.)
Hello everyone! If this is the wrong forum just tell me, because I wasn't sure where to post this question. I've completed a map called TrenchWars...
One sided vip I believe works differently. Oh, and 90 secs then. Sorry!
If the object is altered at all by an external force, than it counts as a kill. Try giving hammers? Each time it hits, It will alter everything,...
Hey please actually link the game type so we don't make it ourselves.Or i won't DL.
Using advanced spawn settings, you start as a minor. if you can survive for around a minute, then the settings kick in. you become a "Major"...
If you set leader traits (Zealot) to spawn with sword, it will not change in the middle of play. But if you die and respawn while still the...
Hey everybody! Thanks for looking, and I want to tell you about this cool new idea I had! While the map isn't done, nor have I actually started on...