Alright, thanks for the suggestions guys! I will keep all of this in mind in the newer and final version. Oh, and Chris, what? You said nothing a...
Alright thanks, and please download and play! I need more feedback like this!
Chris, you are being really defensive in this thread. Try to listen to other ideas.
[IMG] MULTIPLAYER BETA You've probably seen my cooperative effort, TrenchWars 1918. Well I'm back, with my own map franchise, District 9. This is...
Yes, I've seen them. Funny! Oh, and how do you remove teardrops? I don't know how to make weapons float in custom games.
[IMG] Download and place in your fileshare if you play only the best infection. : Halo 3 File Details
a wittle kitten a wittle kitten sniped you a wittle kitten was assassinated by BOB
Ok, thanks! I'll try both suggestions and see what works.
Well, I have been trying to upload this picture onto my sig. It is very clear when posted on the sig shop I requested it in, but when I upload it...
I like it. Of course, all the stats would be tweaked, but I like it. I know what you mean by the various spawns, and yeah..
Hmmm... You fixed things that didn't need to be fixed. Like "Ball Sneaking." That is fun, not a flaw. Also, you cannot spawn with a 7-wood, so I...
This looks like a fun map, and I'll give it a try. Oh, and motivation is so that zombies infect humans. What other motivation is there?
Actually, sure! You can interlock it and change whatever, but we don't want to take credit for your interlocking. Thanks, though.
Looks nice, but pointless. Oh wait, aesthetics...
Hmm.. seems to complex to play with a party...
What the Hell? I was just expressing my opinion. Alright. Fine, I didn't make the "I love Him" screenshot anyway. But I understand if you do, but...
Sorry. I'm Christian, and I know this is all in fun, but I find it offensive. I'm not a ranter, but I don't support this shot.
Looks like a nice map, actually. But, um.... gametype? Default infection is bad.........
1. Go moniter 2. START 3. Change gametype
True, but a Plasma Pistol would also deplete the 4x overshields a bit too much. I thought of that as well, but.....