this map is awesome and same with the weapon list on the post
you need to make the wall separating your map from the rest of foudry taller because its easy to get over with a nade jump
interlock, use it.
this is so epic i almost exploded! cant wait to try it out.
i dl'ed and played on this map, it has smooth game play and is a tiny bit smaller than normal mlg maps , making exciting gameplay ... 5/5 i think...
maybe the completed map was a budget glitched map? either way that looks like a big glitch
actually, if you make a double box and make it so it doesn't respawn when the round starts, you can end the round then go under the place where... thats the guide on how to do it without a door
i have a map where the lights spawn but its just a small orb and it doesnt make any light , so idk if its a glitch or something.
i ran over an old lady today, i am very proud
MLG doesn't include vehicles or teams bigger than 4 v. 4 :squirrel_blush:
looks great, but kill ball may be a bit blinding i think but either way 9/10
it looks good, but the sword spawn is kinda in the open and the map is to closed off for much vehicle combat. also, teleporters can detract from...
it looks pretty good but the are you gonna move the active camos? because players will pick them up to become invisible... i would remove them...
its looks great so far but its hard to tell where the window placement and such by the pictures, i assume that they are made the same way as they...
maybe try putting some starting points and stuff ( change the gametype to whatever the map is made for and you will be able to put start...
in you piture your territories arent squares or circles which are the nly option, keep the general shape of the map but make sure territories are...
this is the halo 3 forge discussion board! i think that thats gonna be to many aircraft vehicles. the bases look pretty cool though!
omg that is a great idea! maybe instead have like the normal teeth people and then cavity's spawn and try to attack and it can be infection or...
maybe one where theres a jump that you have to land on a shield door to make it through, something like that.