you can do i 2 stone column small's sideways then a wall on top.
ooh this has actually helped me! who would have thought?
maybe try turning the spawn points to a specific team like attackers (red) or defenders (blue)? either that or there are enemy players to close to...
it makes the game lag..... sandbox does lag because there's always a lot of objects, that's why there's not many sandbox maps in mm.
you can edit out your own posts and such just hit the edit button in bottom right corner of post.
its simply not gonna happen, bungie already has announced that its not.... not even in odst maybe in halo 4 if there ever is one but i doubt it.
maybe this should get moved to the maps forums.
you could go to the testers guild and see if they have any map tests soon.
if you ever see me on just invite me to some customs I'll be there when my current game is over GT: ewren3
this map is really well built but the problems is that you can easily escape from the map with a grenade jump
maybe you could have only partial invisibility and 300% damage so it would almost be instant kill, maybe you should switch it to assault rifle...
i think i saw a thread for this like 9 months ago...... but ya that would be a very nice addition to forge, and maybe even include a 90 degree...
one problem is is that people in heaven will shoot people in hell can't
i hav'nt played for about a year but i have a 3,200 point army of blood angels (space marines) and 800 or so in tyranids.
that would be cool to make a conveyor belt but the problem is that the object would stop in the middle of the first tin cup...
omg i forgot about testing the map!!! sorry about that but my friend was over and yaaa.....
zomg you has found teh way to geomerge teh scarab zeemggg that is seriously screwed up dude, did your old box do anything to multiplayer?
fail at sniper coding on bungie's part i think, you should probably ask a moderator to move to screenshots.
i wanna play on this map! ive been watching this thread for days now! so can i play?