lol thats funny but shouldn't this be in the videos section?
it looks great so far but maybe add some more walkways along the out areas? /first post
i was also thinking about making snd in halo but never got round to it... i think though that you can't have 2 bomb plant points. also the...
i haven't actually tried the window in a map or anything but i have merged 2 movable objects, you just nee to put some sort of barriers around...
hey fellow forgehubbers! I've come up with a great idea! windows that you can climb through like in call of duty. if any of you are familiar with...
maybe you could give us some pics of what you have done so far?
i like the idea for the window repairing , it looks good , can't wait till it is updated ( if ever)
if you use the train car idea you could make a way to go from car to car by balancing on a rail while walking and if you fall you die.
yay! a v2! now only if i could find some friends to play it with....
that was hilarious! good job
cool.... i guess.
i think that everyone on this planet who plays halo knows about this..... except for one of my friends.
ooo... maybe i'll make a few ship maps with these guidelines in mind!
this map is great and flows really well, a problem though is the teleporters , a lot of people camp by them for easy kills and such.
i think it was on bungie favorites a few weeks ago so try finding it there
im only good sniper offline :'(
dl'ed for the challenge.... can we delete the other teleporters though?
it looks great! pm me when you need it tested! my gt is ewren3 if you ever wanna invite me to some customs
maybe with something like plasma nade explosions or light effects+ other explosions like rocket or firebomb nade.... don't know though