thats actually pretty good but the singes voice can get a tad annoying
awesome! ive been wanting to do some odst maps but didnt get to e3 :(
ys that's good quality and gameplay ;)
they do that to keep out the lag a custom shaped block would be the best thing in the world!
you should post some pics... conquest maps have to be symmetrical but i think there could be a tiny exception make sure all of your territories...
they have already made a few **** zombies maps in halo and it works quite well.
why is there 2 maps in 1 post? wtf?
looks awesome! but a chopper in monster trucks? thats not gonna be fair :P
it's really easy to camp with the shotgun in this map
theres alot of weapons there...
why is there a gravlift out in the desert? you should move it farther into the map
where do the vehicles spawn....? and i think there should be some more obstacles for the mongooses to avoid
looks great but how in hell does the switch work?
you should use interlocking to make the wall-floors a bit more neat and smooth.
can you use bigger pics? they are way to small
awesome! to bad i don't have any dl slot things left :'(
all i can say is holy sh** that is awesome! this is the best scarab ever! its gigantic 0ver 9000/5 ;)
you can get out of the map with a nade jump >.<
the map looks nice but your pictures are WAAAAAY too small!
or maybe he could put a small ramp up to eliminate the jump problem but still keep the good looks?