Started back up with charcoal again and I do believe my skill in it has improved quite a bit since my last attempt... Critiques and suggestions...
So a while back, someone (I believe it was Stevo) posted this and it got me thinking... so I say to myself, "Me, if I were to make one of those,...
here is the direct link to the video since an error has occurred with embedding it. This map is inspired by the song chocolate rain. I happened...
[IMG] Well as some of you may know, a member suggested that we have a community forge map, created in sections by several members of our large...
Yet another start to the long lasting, yet widely loved, series. just linking it if you haven't found it yourself.
This is for you, grim <3 the concept of my map is to take the song chocolate rain to a literal sense. in this game, chocolate flavored zombies...
DISCLAIMER: This thread has nothing to do with, or at any point will have anything to do with pornography or adult content. To all of the fellow...
so several people have offered to make a banner for my kryptonite map and i decided to throw my own image in. any entry can be submitted (though i...
as i was enjoying a cigarette with my two older brothers outside of a bar on a warm spring day (april 30th) i was approached by a man holding a...
So i have received the ok from TZ to be one of the personnel from FH to run the official FH booth at PAX East 2012. basically this is a thread to...
i am just inquiring from you good members of forgehub if someone here could please make a minecraft server for me. my computer does not allow me...
Kryptonite so one day i was forging with my friend Re4nimate and he was messing around with different decorations for a simple structure that i...
so here is the preview for this little number i have been working on. the concept is pretty simple: a down hill drag race to the finish line......
on the morning announcements for my school they played this video for some reason and i thought that it was epic enough to bring my lazy ass to...
In preparation for the winter season of grifball (amateur league), I am creating this sign up thread so I may build a fairly decent roster and be...
Death Vallley not too long ago, someone very close to me had died. i was severely saddened by the thought of this to the point where i thought to...
so while having conversations in the chatbox about mixing gametypes, i had the idea for an infection game where the humans have to achieve a...
Someone close to me recently died and i thought to bring myself to build a grave for her. since i couldn't build an actual grave for her, this is...
so i messed up a little. being the procrastinator i am, i waited too long to sign up for the fall ametuer grifball league. my roster is a little...
GRIFBALL 2: REVENGE OF GRIF i made a preview for this a little while ago and i kinda didn't start making it immediately so its a little late on...