****, nigga, ****...
wtf?! that shits expensive mane. you gay er sumn? spendin wads of bread on a nigga liek me. **** son...****...
tea? **** that **** nuckuh, i want some purple drank.
ya. rly.
werd nuckuh. werd.
woah, paradox there stouf.
ohhh the lolz.....
that's what i'm sayin man, ****
idk, i like this guilder thingy
*choked up* Prime Sarge Moment right there fbu.... (p.s. I'm not sarge, idiot. i'm skeletor.)
Uh-oh...double post...
Quick, someone delete his post! It's obstructing the yellow.
I don't care for him due to his mod skills (he had mod skills?). I wish he was here to enjoy the lol's being had.
With all the scrutiny afoot, I miss him. Is there anyone who agrees, or am I alone on this?
Word to your mother. (ok, so i'm not one yet, but i'm sure shock will promote me when he sees my application)
that's interesting.
Ya lets ****ing rebel!!!!!!!
lol ur dad is a badass
wow...what a great cover up vice...(or is it?! I cant tell nemore!)