I have been working on creating a virtual playlist for a new type of hardcore I call Spec-ops. I have maps and gametypes prepared and now all i...
Oh they can and they did. I made three different maps, one that plays on MLG variants and all I heard was two pages of people spamming about...
I think you are better off posting this map here, if you post it in the MLG section they will spam you to death...(mumbles something obscene) It...
It's unorthodox for an MLG map, but I like that. MLG maps are so plain and boring to look at. Believe it or not, there are some of us that are...
Is this MLGpro? no, it's ForgeHub. Would you stop spamming in peoples threads, you are not as high and mighty as you seem to think you are. Do...
I wouldn't replace the crates, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, he sure likes to think he does though. If you read the rules for...
Why don't you talk about the actual map itself, not where you feel it should belong. All you do is come off as arrogant and it doesn't further...
This map follows all the guidelines of an MLG map. I have posted them for you all to read. If you don't like the map, don't download it. All...
Bush kind of gave us Americans a bad rap and justly so. He with his wonderful team of greedy wall street cronies crippled the worlds economy...
I wonder how you consider spamming helping people. If a map fits the guidelines of MLG as posted by forgehub, then it is counter productive to...
From what I've been told, you can't use moveable objects like crates in an MLG map. It's also very open and doesn't have a lot of depth. Not...
My map fits all the guidelines presented, I have more than enough right to post it here. You people are the ones giving it all this unnecessary...
I did use spawn areas and the map did play better on objective based games. I recommend Team KOTH, MultiFlag, Neutral Assault, and Team Oddball....
This map is one of a kind and look how amazing that famous stone circle looks. It is damn near a perfect replica of the real thing. I think...
It's a little open, but it is very cleanly constructed. Good use of interlocking and geo-merging. BTW, I like that it's a good quote.
Thanks Paranoia, I like to do theme maps and I do well with aesthetics. This actually, is one of my older maps that resurfaced, you should see my...
I know that is why I didn't use any of them. If that is the case OG, why do you use dumpsters and barriers in your maps? You speak as if you...
My links go to Forgehub posts so other people can examine my maps before they download it. The download link are on those threads and they will...
With all due respect, this map plays very well on MLG gametypes. I has been tested multible times in 4 vs 4 team games on multible variants. It...
Aesthetics are all important to me as you'll notice if you've seen any of my maps. It takes a lot to impress me and I love this map. The author...