While I am sure the forgehub community would love to help you make a few sets for your machinima, this is the wrong forum to post a request in....
I'm going to have to give my recap to you late, I have two isu's do this week, I will try and get it to you tomorrow.
A great way to make friends is to play in our bi-weekly custom games night, TGIF. If you send a friend request to the TGIF Community gamertag,...
I made my party to allow for it to mesh with as many people's schedules as possible. It starts at 4:00 and goes to 12:00 (EST) That's 8 full hours...
This map was absolutely great when I played it! I remember playtesting this map and it was a ton of fun, there was rarely a problem with the game...
Wow this looks great, if you would like to test this tomorrow I'm sure my TGIF party would very much enjoy it! Can't wait to play it myself!
You forgot my party details, (the one that I said just use the same thing every week) Here they are: Host's Gamertag: Cryptokid Start Time: 4:00...
Just a few more days :D
It's funny how you got TGIF loyal before me, yet I'm pretty sure you met me through MY TGIF parties :P
I had minor surgery today and preparations yesterday. I will type it up tomorrow and try and colect pics tomorrow. You might have to edit it in....
My xbox has E 74 D: Any chance I can have someone else do the recap for me? I think fate has something against me trying to become loyal. I hosted...
My recap might be late, my xbox is showing early signs of E 74.
I absolutely loved the video, to bad I'm only seeing this now. I will be playing this in my TGIF party tonight, it will be fun.
I will 100% for sure be playing this a few times in my party. And to further explain, when the jetback (goal) touches a wall (ball) the ball is...
Dude I pm'd you my recap like monday or sunday, why isn't it in there?
Well I'm going to do what you told me buddha, I'm going to give give my own explanation as to how this works. I'll start with a quote from Vice:...
I have the maps too waylander, I will be playing them in my party, if you wanna meat up if you don't have them, message me!
Hey can you change the start time of my party to 4:30-12:00? I'm back on my old party schedule :D. I may or may not pm you tomorrow about another...
thanks so much, been trying to get loyal for a long time.
Crap dude I forgot to add the dl links to some games we played. I can't do it now anyways. I'm guessing that means that recap didn't count? D: