I've been reading through threads like this on a couple of sights and though I haven't been able to try it out myself it seems like everyone is...
I'm pretty sure EVERYONE is ignorant to American politics. It's just too muddled for anyone to have the complete picture in mind when making a...
[IMG] This is what I'm using currently (or would be if I had live and no Ochem to worry about) I can never decide on a helmet though. My...
I'm just wondering if I'm going to have to travel for miles to get to a populated village when the next update comes out, and if I'm going to have...
I wonder if NPCs will come back or if when you wipe out a village they'll be gone forever (and if they do leave forever will they spawn in...
Read the title as "Happy First Day of Fail." So much disappoint. Will make On Topic edit when I've recovered from this terrible depression.
But going rambo is awesome.
There's some vines in a couple of trees above the gorge I've turned into my home, and they are spreading like crazy. Shame I can't seem to collect...
Unless they don't like you. Then you can just go **** yourself.
Wouldn't it be coming out of his fingers? I've always wondered how to say something like "I heard about it on the internet," you don't "Hear"...
It's the work of HIM!!!
How, it's almost the same, just in reach the reticule responds to the bloom so you can see it. So your definition of a more skilled player...
Poor shot registration is a connection issue, it's not going away unless you only play LAN games from now on. And wouldn't it take skill to be...
4shot, what you're talking about in the OP has nothing to do with luck, your talking about connection speed. Luck is when something happens in...
Note that they don't have Geoff doing the video. He was horrified by the first trailer.
Honestly I don't put much work into planning my characters rather than just making sure I get the most out of levels. My best character was...
And maybe some more flat areas. I can only ever seem to find mountains, and not even cool ones at that. Just the squat and wide ones that are to...
Can we divide the pictures into a couple more spoiler boxes. It's getting hard for me to navigate the page with some of them open. And I think...
Attempt at silly racist joke about fake races failed.