I'm going to go ahead and say that Call of Cthullu is the source, since, you know, the fictional city is made up FOR the book.
Apparently the place the Bloop has been triangulated to is only 900 miles from the city which Cthullu is supposedly trapped in. Sleep tight.
That's the rendezook guy. Not only can he pull it off, but apparently he can pull it off consistently.
Any idea which mission would be best to get 250,000 points in?
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures - Omnibus #2 - YouTube I think this describes what I have to say to DICE about that.
Finally got a game where I could get in the jet a few times, and I actually managed to destroy a few tanks and kill a few dudes. Now would anyone...
Made a new one, used a different mic and used more pics per word. Any improvement? Story Time with Sjdibse: The Perfectly Normal Lady - YouTube
I'm going to go ahead and leave the unreasonable comment that you'll eventually do out of frustration. Make a few of notes and leave them signed...
Anyone want to play Co-op? I want the achievements/guns and there's nobody in the matchmaking.
Arrows suck unless you're sneaking. Magic against dragons is my usual strategy. Edited by merge: Arrows suck unless you're sneaking. Magic...
I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what Makarov's motivation was. It was never really defined at all.
I got the Master Thief achievement just the other night. Took 30 minutes and I spent a lot of the time turning Whiterun into a funeral pyre. To do...
The Beginning - YouTube I made this video and I figured I'd make more later reviewing websites and talking about memes mainly. Possibly a few...
My archery is 85, my sneak is 92 and I use a bound bow and I don't get anything quite like that. BTW, how is the bound bow in comparison to...
Rental. I'm not even sure I want to buy the game or ask for it for Christmas with how lame the story is either.
****ing online pass. I waste an hour downloading a damn update for the freaking thing, just so it can tell me I can't play online because I...
I'm level 30. Just took on a blood dragon, a frost dragon, 2 cave bears and a sabre cat. 5 shall fall, 1 shall rise. **** ya. Also, the...
I'm pretty sure I'm just not going to download the new patch. I think my only problem I've had was it crashed twice after playing it all day....
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