I'm going to rent this and see if they fix any of it. As for the survival mode, didn't a Star Wars game have that first? Star Wars the Clone...
I think they did it to remove the thing where when someone kills and is killed by a zombie at the same time and it counts as a betrayal and one...
I don't think they announced his death until a week or so after it happened.
The AI was definately the biggest problem for me, I loved sneaking right up until I got close. At long range though the AI acted semi-well, I...
Ya, I love it how one guy laughed as he said "Bush deserves no credit, this was all Obama's doing" when someone suggested Bush did anything to help.
Any one need that achievement for getting a noob through the first level? I'm getting it today. I'll be on in a few hours. Edited by merge:...
I don't think they could censor it. That's the thing with the US, we protect our free speech so much it's impossible for the government to shut it...
What would the world think of the US if he came out of his hole with some video just after this whole fanfair of having killed him? It would...
Sorry In all seriousness I'm not sure how this will end up. On one hand we got the guy whose responsible for the deaths of thousands, but on the...
So that muslim radicals couldn't know where to put a shrine. And considering how Obama is acting like a superhero about it it's so some mad...
Ya I don't think he could have planned to start a housing crisis.
Like what? I don't really see what makes this better, simpler yes but I am not sure about better. And the 2D really seems to limit how incredible...
If anyone needs a partner who hasn't played Coop yet I'm getting back from Uni by the end of this week when my finals are over and I'm going to...
EPIC THREAD REVIVAL!!! Have you guys seen the new monster? The Silent. It looks like the freaking Slenderman, and when you look away from it you...