There might be ways to do it, but for now, we'll need the Race gametype.
Since I'm **** at actual map design, I've been working on scripting. The teleporting switches bug is absolutely infuriating though. On the bright...
You know what we really need? A water cube. Give it a bunch of dimensions like the cube primitive and we can finally remake Beaver Creek.
Did some small updates and expanded on Events.
Now that I've spent some time with Halo 5's Forge, I think it's time for another one of these threads. When I come back tomorrow, I'll update it...
My only gripe is that you can't set the starting ammo for weapon pads.
I'd kill for arrays. Right now, there are 26 usable channels, ranging from Alpha to Zulu (A-Z), down from H2A's usable 64 (0-63) channels. That's...
I think your headshot AR numbers are too fast. It should be closer to 1.1, not 0.9. Looks like we match for everything else though.
All precision utility weapons have a TTK of 1.2 seconds with two exceptions. The Light Rifle has a TTK of 1.0 zoomed in while the Battle Rifle's...
I take about an hour to scribble a general layout. Then I hop into Forge and give up after an hour of being dissapointed by my lack of practical...
I'm gonna be blunt here. People expect community maps to be free. This isn't a Halo exclusive thing, it's a mindset that's been passed down from...
I'm a 5. My practical skills are horrible. I am fully incapable of making a competitively viable map. However, I'm good at the complicated...
On the topic of terrain, can you get rid of or modify the default terrain on canvases, or is it stuck that way?
So there's terrain AND terrain sheets? How do they work?
What? Really? Holy ****, THEY NOTICED US!?
It's forge-able, but the problem is with the soft-kill timers. You can't get rid of them, so once you're above water, they kill you.
Further Notes: When forging in the water underneath the map's terrain, there will be some invisible walls that prevent you from placing objects...
After a lot of deaths, I've finally measured Remnant. X : -76.8 to 74.5 Y : -41.9 to 57.8 Z : -9.0 to 22.0 This is Remnant's usable area, the...
I did the measurements. The height of usable water is a little over 4 Forge units, assuming you use a flat piece as your bottom base. That means...