K thx. I'll work on it.
Yo Stevo. I hear you're the guy to go to for spawning, so do you think you could move the spawning around on this map. Bungie.net : Halo Reach :...
Good Luck. If you do this well, it will be definately worth a feature.
DMR. For no reason other than I suck with a Needle Rifle. I still miss my good ol' carbine though.
I was playing Grifball with my bro, and every time I got the bomb, he betrayed me, and then the other team went and scored it. Every Time. Never...
You absolutely have to put Infection on this man. This was so awesome on Infection.
I love how you used juicy! I know most people hate FX, but it really makes a map feel a bit like it's not in Forge World. The map I just finished...
I love how the gun actually looks like it's firing. Was that just for the pictures, or did you use a fusion coil or smething to asplode.
Wow, for your first map, this is Great. Mine got locked cuz I didn't know how to put pics on! Anyway, not to be rude or anything, (I know you're...
I love his little goatee thingermajig. Also you should do the Mona Lisa next!
I remember seeing a thread hee saying that you can't use Coliseum walls as floors. If this is the case, could someone tell me how to keep them...
kay, I know you make objects appear at certain times in a game, but is there any way to make an object disappear. Like something is blocking a...
Hi, I was just wondering if I should start making a Best of Forge Video weekly. I have a capture card, and would take the best forge maps on...
Wow, for only a day spent on it, this actually looks pretty good. Do you nedd it tested?