Hey, I'm Wienermelon and this will show you the new map I am working on. I loved Battle/Beaver Creek in their times, and want to pay homage to...
Maps are great, but I haven't forged on them at all because it it pointless. I have no idea about the pallets. Srry.
I've thought up a great infection gametype,aand tried to start setting up a map on Boardwalk for it, but it failed miserably. The...
Oh boy. This is actually quite fun, except when I only have one other person on my team. The only time I've played this it was 2v5. It was fun,...
Asylum + Zealot + Paridiso Asylum and Zealot cuz they have great flow, great spawning and are just awesome, and Paridiso because I somehow always...
I agree, but I doubt they'll patch good ol' Forgeworld. I hope in the next map pack, they do exactly what you suggested. I also think they...
I just don't like most of the 4v4 TS mas on Reach. Almost every game revolves on one team controlling one area. Sword Base-Grav lift level...
Think of Paradiso. The terrain forces the Scorpion to take one route. The best weapon to counter the Scorpion is the Spazer, and it is in spot...
I am one of the people that downloaded this for the sake of fun.
I've tested it a couple times, and it was really fun especially on Multi Flag. Glad to see it posted and I'll give you a DL
Well, my first map is just in the finishing stages, and I was wondering if someone could help me put a nice thread together. I'm new here, so I...
Try Tempest and see if you like to forge there.
I pretty sure this is impossible.
Snipers are only overpowered if they have a really good sniper. Even on Hemmorhage, the sniper usually only gets 4-5 kills unless he's smart. All...
Oh, sorry for the confusion. The red and blue spawns by the green and orange are the infection spawns. The green and orange are multi team, the...
Here is the preview for my first map Antique. It is a re-imagination of Halo 3's Assembly. They share many similarites like the past paced...
Reflect By stevo
K, how did you do the wave over things with the pics. I really want to know for when I post my map. Any way. AWSESOME map. I've had tons of fun on...
K, I don't get it. What's the point of Respawn Zones? Where should I use them? What do they do? I really want to have good spawning in my map, but...
Ball Pipe by Spencermx14 http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-race-maps/119854-ball-pipe.html Edited by merge: Cargo Port: Psycho Duck and...