| Halo 3 Video | Video | sniper spree in a minute
far cry 2 looks epic. hopefully its not a dissapointment like the first one was. plus it has an amazing map editor. looking forward for this game
this looks like the most entertaining mini game in the world. its perfect for me and blazes custom game weekends.
this is a pretty kicken map. cant wait till your and silence finish your new project. its gonna be amazing
i think that they should just get rid of elites in general. they should have just made more armor for spartans and left elites out
i think that there should be a guitar hero game with only metal songs on it. because they have the best guitar in them. so tell me what you think
***. of course the one map i dont help with gets on the front page. but yay you anyway.
hey guess what everybody. I was the one who named this map. cause i was playing some cod4 and i died and dropped a nade. and blaze said what the...
hey mee too. they feel so smooth. there much better than the standard ones
hell no. they are not that good of a band to get an entire game all to themselfs. what they should have done is just make a brand new game with as...
hey umm i have a question for you. i got the video to grab and its on gamevee. but i cant get the page to load up to get the .flv file. what...
i was thinkin he wasnt goin to like te changes because you changed a **** load of stuff but i think its much better you guys did a great job and...
this map seems to be the least liked out of all your maps. seeing as it was the first its alrigth.
you deff need to stop forging and come play more often and quit RIGHT NOW so we can play match making dammit! but your creations are getting crazy.
curbstomp is the **** and this isnt featured either common!
this didnt get featured yet?
holy **** blaze one of your maps made it into tgif. thats pretty bad ass. first this next on to bungie favorites. cause its ten times better than...
I saw that you commented on blazes map curbstomp. he was excited to see your reply, but i didnt see anything on there other then about the link. i...
nice desripsion for the new 1.. im still trying to help think up a name for the 1.
hahaha. im on da picture im on da picture! great map 5/5 im having fun playing on black ad blue... i sure thats goin to get some pretty good...