Good weapon placement, but I'm not too keen on this map. Some of the areas are a bit sketchy and the water usage on this map isn't the best. For...
Looks quite sweet actually. I'll take a look at this with some mates, see how things go :)
The articles in this group at Bungie should help out a lot: Click Here It gives you articles on how to set up every game type to work for your...
I went *eek* after downloading and looking at the angle some of the corners were overhead. Challenging but very smooth and enjoyable. Best track...
What Warfang means is that he/she thinks that Feeding Frenzy should be the gametype name, not the map name.
Great map. I especially like the aesthetics with that waterfall. However, I'm not too keen on certain areas (behind the ramps). I see what you've...
[IMG] Created by Osl112 This ancient structure was once believed to be a house of worship, until it got fortified for war. Devotion is a...
The Plains. The 9th area of Forgeworld so I have heard. Though I have no idea on how to get there or anything.
Ahhh, now I've found the second way onto that rock. Its still not so easy for sharks though, especially if theres 3 on top of it... Its a shame...
Got a good group of 6 for this, and thoroughly enjoyed it, however paranoid you can get on it sometimes :D Couple of points though: I found after...
I take it this is with the "Assault" label. This would only mean people spawn here in an assault game?
So I have added spawns to my map for slayer. However, I want these spawns in a different location for assault. So I moved the spawns to where I...
Good map. Gameplay on it as well is pretty sweet though I'm not one for the massive open spaces. Overall, a 4.3/5.
Superb. Absolutely superb. Great gameplay and vertical advantages. My one little critique, the church's interior isn't much. Adding a little...
Half way through the week, I thought "yeah, I'll reach that 30 firefight matches now that I'm halfway there". I looked later that day and then saw...
A nice map. As Skyblade said, the trampoline makes for excellent gameplay and from the top it looks aesthetically pleasing as well. A good 4/5...
I fourth that. A beautiful map with excellent gameplay, quite a treat.
Hey there. Now I'm probably going to sound like a noob here, but here goes. As most people are, I'm still getting used to the forge on Halo...