Thanks Enslaved bunny and roflninja for them comments, haha what a bad joke that would have been. It was either this or a single box in the middle...
I'm no lemon. I'm a frowny-face-thingy. Cool kids frown :D
Please visit here for a correct way to show pictures of your map, provide a link to it, and more! P.S.: It seems you were correctly able to post a...
Haha I have some pics from the movie sketched, and I'm also gonna try to include the room with the Point-of-View gun :D I think it'll work best...
Thanks for the review man :D The reason for the low sniper clips: I was testing a game with my friends. One of them got ahold of the sniper, and...
I have recently been struck with this amazing idea, shortly after reading Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 5 book trilogy. If...
It's either Security or E.V.A.(I think that's the big round one), I like them over big glass panel things xD Best part about them: Throw two...
I know, necropost, and you probably gave up on this by now. However, just overload the map, worked for me. After doing the grids dissapear, you...
I am zeh campaign mastorz xD How to kill flood easy: -Shoot marine and brute forms in the infection form (flowery thing) for one-shot kill -Heavy...
Simple, sleek, sexy. All of the characteristics of a fine woman. The one thing I would do is redesign is the nuclear reactor, I just don't like...
Hmmm I saw some pretty nice ascetics there... And from the pics, it doesn't look as much like a bunker as your others maps have. Variety FTW!...
xD I've geomerged in the crypt so many times... wow... just wow... I agree with that guys post though too, just because it's only about...
I fear we have another shaddoblade on our hands? Outstanding map, the only suggestible thing would be to make the teleporters mid-air and remove...
I use Full Security and EOD body I look buff as hell xD
Map Names Neophyte (someone who is new to something/Band) Necrophyte (a fungus or other organism colonising already dead tissues/Band) Indulgence...
I did it for the lulz poor sarge xD
There is no download link. Other than that, it looks great, looks like you put work into. Unlike some other maps out there.... But it looks a...
Yea, i think so, the cartographers right?
haha yea, but i'm not sure if he'll take it because of the edit but then again he never actually said anything...