Right click on the picture, hit save as, then go to photobucket and upload the picture and i'm sure you can figure it out from there :D
It is pointless. The idea is somewhat simple. You, sir, nailed the description. i like it gd spam
Author: Arbacca Map Name: Seizure Machine Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: N/A Supported Gametypes: Slayer...
Sand Fisher: The playing field is large enough and even with 16 people it can still take a while for the gingerbreadman to be found. However,...
I am happy with this map, and thanks for the positive comments. A v2 may be made if we ever get any suggestions, but for now I think it is as good...
Daaaamn ROFLninja, no offense but I never woulda thought I'd see a map like this come from you. The only problems I see is it's a little too...
Although they are both just as believable, I go with creationism.
Authors: Arbacca, ShadowOfDavid Map Name: Mulberry Lane Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4-16 Supported...
I like how unique this map is. But I still don't like the line-of-sight-blocking arch. And somehow I even managed to get on top of it. Guess I...
I saw "like wishbone" above a pic, and I thought instant fail. jk lol I like the map, it played well but not one of my favs from you. It's...
I'm not gonna lie, this looks a little rushed, unless you were going for that lack of symmetry look. Other than that, just a few loose objects....
I once thought of doing something like this, so you know it's a great idea :D However, I saw no geomerging whatsoever, giving this map a horrible,...
Oh the joy swells up in my heart... Ah I'm gonna be at my friends house! Damn, I'll just bring the router.
I am downloading. I like how this one has jumps, that's a first in a long time. :| My favorite part from the pics: The half of the racetrack...
Looks very clean, well made for a first post. You actually got the pics right too! Congrats! However, I recommend you take a look at forging 101...
First, I'll ask for an overview of the complete racetrack. Next. I never really cared if a racetrack had banked turns or not, but I always thought...
Why hello everyone. I seem to be being accepted well into this website. I figure now I should state my likes. I like sunsets, long walks on the...
Everyone please stop replying, you are only drowning out the good maps.
Hello everyone, I never actually got around to introducing myself, so forgive my lateness: Hello I am Arbacca. I do believe this is about 6...
I see you're a new person around here. And apparently no one is liking you very much... But honestly, there is not much to this map. Look around...